
The Bridge Magazine 2021
The team at The University of Dundee decided to feature me in the latest Bridge Magazine, the magazine for alumni all over the World.

The Herald Magazine Feature
Over the last two weeks, two of my images have featured in articles written by Teddy Jamieson of The Herald about the Firth of Forth.

Sunday Herald Life Magazine Feature
Earlier this week I was interviewed about my book (Scotland in Photographs) for the Sunday Herald and the interview has appeared in today’s edition (specifically in their Life magazine)

Lonely Planet Traveller Magazine - 100th Issue
One of my images was selected to appear as a special edition cover image to celebrate the 100th issue of the Lonely Planet Traveller Magazine.

Amateur Photographer Magazine - November 2016
Surprised but pleased to hear today that in this week’s Amateur Photographer Magazine, one of my Commended images from the Landscape Photographer of the Year 2016 competition is featured amongst a selection of the magazine’s pick of winners.

The Scots Magazine - October 2016
My image of Glen Coe was featured in the October 2016 issue of The Scots Magazine as a double page spread to illustrate a story on ‘Great Scottish Journeys’.

UK EISA Maestro Landscape Competition
I am delighted to announce that I came second in the UK round of the EISA Competition in association with Amateur Photographer Magazine and am featured in the magazine out today (dated 18th June)

University of Dundee Bridge Magazine
Today saw the start of the graduation celebrations for the year at the University of Dundee and also the publication of this year’s Bridge Magazine, which is the University’s magazine that offers a glimpse into the work being done by those who make up the Dundee community of staff, students and alumni.