University of Dundee Bridge Magazine
Today saw the start of the graduation celebrations for the year at the University of Dundee and also the publication of this year’s Bridge Magazine, which is the University’s magazine that offers a glimpse into the work being done by those who make up the Dundee community of staff, students and alumni.
Invercarse Hotel Artwork
Towards the end of last year I met up with the great team at the Best Western Invercarse Hotel to discuss putting up some of my artwork in their bedrooms to showcase high quality images of the local area. The hotel was looking to put up framed prints in their newly refurbished bedrooms.
New Polymer Banknote
You may have heard that this week Clydesdale Bank, launched the first polymer banknote celebrating the 125th Anniversary of the Forth Bridge but you may not know that on the back, one of the images of the bridge, is my image below that was licensed to feature on this note.
Scottish Landscape Photographer of the Year Finalist - Commended
I am pleased to announce that one of my images made it all the way to the final round of Scottish Landscape Photographer of the Year Competition and was Commended in the Seascape category.
STV Dundee & Courier Feature
Over the last two weeks, I was featured in an article on STV Dundee and also a 3/4 page article in The Courier newspaper about my shortlisted images for the Scottish Landscape Photographer of the Year competition.
Evening Telegraph feature on Dundee Photographic Society
Eagle eyed folk will have spotted my image from the weekend of the Tay Rail Bridge featured in tonight’s Evening Telegraph as part of the article about Dundee Photographic Society.
HIPA 2013 Competition Finalist
I am delighted to announce that in this year’s Hamdan Bin Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum International Photography Award (HIPA) Photo Competition, I reached the finals of the Black and White category with one of my images.
Calculating Exposure Times in Long Exposure Photography
I have now been to more photographic clubs/societies than I can remember to present my photographic work, particularly my long exposure images and to discuss my technique so that others can benefit from my experience.
Word gets around when Shahbaz is in town!
This Tuesday I was at Brechin Photographic Society for the third time for an informal evening discussing and commenting on long exposure images.
Whaleback City Book Cover
The latest offering from Dundee University Press is Whaleback City, which is an anthology of poems inspired by the city of Dundee and its surroundings and my image of Dundee graces the cover.
Glasgow Central Station Exhibition - Take 2
Following on from the recent exhibition at Glasgow Central Station featuring one of my images, Network Rail have gone a step further and converted the windows of some of its retail units into a temporary photo gallery and have my image is featured again.
Network Rail/Take a View Exhibition
A special exhibition showcasing a selection of stunning images from the last six years of the Take a View Landscape Photographer of the Year competition is coming to Glasgow Central Station from Monday 24th June. Homepage Feature
It’s not everyday you get one of your images featured on the homepage of the second biggest search engine, Microsoft’s but today I was delighted to see my image of Bridge to Nowhere make an appearance.
Dundee Photographer of the Year
A competition that I have been entering for the last few years is the Dundee Photographer of the Year competition, also known as the Annual Photographic Competition (this year being the 47th), which is sponsored by Dundee City Council.
'Discovering Dundee' Exhibition
Yesterday saw the launch of my first solo exhibition, ‘Discovering Dundee’, at the University of Dundee showcasing images of my home city, Dundee. The Tower Foyer Gallery has on display a selection of large-scale photographs of some of the city’s most iconic landscapes and will be welcoming the thousands of visitors who will be on campus for the University’s Graduation ceremonies.
National Geographic International Photography Contest 2011
This is a photo of our beautiful little angel, Aena, who was born in October and this photo was taken when she was just two weeks ago. My wife was holding her in her arms when I thought of taking this shot, specifically using a very shallow depth of field to focus on her eyes whilst looking up at me.
LPOTY Competition - Follow Up
A follow-up to my previous post about winning the Network Rail ‘Lines in the Landscape’ Award in the 2011 Landscape Photographer of the Year Competition.
Landscape Photographer of the Year 2011 - Network Rail Award
I am absolutely delighted to report that my following submission to the Take a View Landscape Photographer of the Year 2011 Competition won the Network Rail ‘Lines in the Landscape‘ Award… for which my prize is unique opportunity to visit the Severn Rail Tunnel’s Sudbrook Pumping Station, which is not open to the general public.
Long Exposure Workshop
This month I ran another very successful workshop and was delighted to take 4 members of Dundee Photographic Society out to the East Lothian coastline. The workshop was one of my Long Exposure ones designed to introduce photographers to using 10-stop filters such as the Lee Big Stopper and the Hitech offering.